Correct installation method for refueling tanker

1, the tanker fuel trucks must be used in a dry environment, it is strictly prohibited open-air work. The installation position of the tanker shall comply with the relevant provisions of the local gas station construction and fire protection regulations.

2,   On the tanker truck tanker inlet pipe branch line should not be increased. The two pumps of two dispensers or two-gun dispensers cannot share one branch of the oil supply.

3 ,   After the new pipeline is installed, clean mud, iron scraps and other debris in the pipe should be cleaned before installing the tanker to prevent dirt from entering the tanker and damaging the machine.

4,   After the first oil delivery, the filter of the oil pump should be inspected and cleaned to prevent the flow of oil from drastically reducing and damaging the hydraulic components due to filter clogging.

5,   At the flange of the refuelling oil pipe, an oil-resistant seal must be used.

6,   The power must be cut off during maintenance, and must not be checked with electrification. Do not scratch the explosion-proof joint surface when opening the explosion-proof electrical box. When removing the explosion-proof chamber, the dirt should be removed and clean the explosion-proof joint surface; the cable seal should be good, metal Washers and gaskets must not be lost. The number of screws must not be missing to ensure the explosion-proof performance of the electrical parts.

7,   When using self-provided generator power supply, be sure to wait until the generator runs smoothly and then supply power to the fuel dispenser. Ensure that the voltage is within 220V-15 % to 220V 10% or 380V-15 % to 380V 10% to avoid generator start-up. When the peak voltage burns out computer components.

8,   When the tanker is installed outdoors, there should be a canopy above the machine to protect the machine from rain and sunlight.

9 ,   When making electrical connections or repairs, the relevant power of the tanker should be cut off before proceeding.

10, does not allow untrained personnel or authorized the construction and operation of tankers.

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